A Tip for Educators for Avoiding Poor Decisions by Bernie Hoffman


Bernie Hoffman– Being Proactive to keep you Safe and Avoid Litigation 

A Tip for Avoiding Poor Decisions (Best Practice)

Make certain that you have “reasonable suspicion” before you take action that you are certain will be questioned or challenged. Note that schools and the administrative/staff work under the umbrella of reasonableness. However, the law enforcement agencies and the courts work under the umbrella of probable cause. Is the individual guilty without a shadow of a doubt? Thus, when schools and their staff members have database or factual observation of information from a source that can be identified and determines that the source is credible, you can proceed with a search without fear of a fourth amendment violation. The fourth amendment protects against unreasonable search and seizure. However, it is important for administrators to know their rights as well as their obligations to protect all in order to keep a safe and orderly environment. Don’t back off if you are concerned. Learn how to back up your rights to protect.

Bernie Hoffman will be at Youngstown State University on May 2, 2016. He will also be at Slippery Rock University on May 3 and 4, 2016.

Contact: hhevents@zoominternet.net for more details.


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