Letter to March 27 Workshop Participants

HH Education Events

Building Partnerships for Student Achievement


March 27, 2014


Dear Participant,

Thank you for attending today’s workshop, 2014 and Beyond, with Bernie Hoffman. Based upon past experiences I know Bernie has provided valuable information that will make you safe, secure and successful now and in the future.

The purpose of events such as this is to build partnerships that will enhance student achievement. Children are our most valuable resource and we must do all we can to insure that we help them grow up to be happy, productive citizens. I believe that outstanding staff development and in-service is one tool that can help all of us reach this goal.

I also want to express my sincere appreciation to VALIC, specifically John Hellgren and Jeff Majersky for their attendance and support. It is because VALIC recognizes the importance of partnerships that this workshop has been possible. While working closely with John and other VALIC employees, it is apparent to me that they are dedicated to helping educators and other members of the business community both personally and professionally. I encourage you to support our sponsor.

I wish you the best and look forward to the time that we have the opportunity to again work together.

If there is anything that I can do to assist you personally or professionally please do not hesitate to contact me.

Happy Trails to you.




Herbert W. Hunt, Ed. D




This workshop has been sponsored by   VALIC

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